Why Parental Engagement Matters?

Educational inequality cannot be solved in the classroom alone.

At Tutors United, we know that parents play a super important role in their children’s learning and attainment. But for many parents, there are several barriers that hinder them from engaging in their child’s learning as much as they desire to.

What are some of the barriers to parental engagement?

  • Parents own experience with school and education
  • Living in complex environments
  • Lack of parental confidence
  • Digital barrier (digital literacy as well as access)
  • Work commitments
  • Pressure of time
  • English as an additional language

We understand that because of the barriers listed above (and more) it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle for parents when it comes to helping their child with their schoolwork, especially since many of our TU parents grew up learning completely different methods to what is being taught in schools now.

In order for every child to be supported to fulfil their potential, parents must also be supported.

Countless research has shown that when it comes to education inequality, the most effective programmes (that bring about long term change) are the ones that adopt a family-centred approach, working with parents alongside their children. And that’s why working with families is so important to us at TU.

Benefits of boosting parental engagement in learning:

  1.  Increase in child’s attainment
  2.  Improved child’s behaviour in and out of school
  3. Increase in child’s motivation to learn
  4. Increased parent confidence
  5.  Improved parent and child relationship

From hosting termly parent training evenings on our TYR programme to 1:1 parent consultations on our Booster Series, engaging with our parents is a part of every programme we deliver at TU. It comes as no surprise then that at least once a week, a member of the team runs slightly late to a Zoom meeting because they were on the phone to a parent!

No complaints from us though, we love it!

This year, we took our commitment one step further and launched our Family Learning Programme. In addition to providing English and Maths tuition, we also host monthly resource support sessions for the parents on the programme, helping families to engage with their child’s learning. I’ve loved seeing our parents come together, sharing tools and strategies, learning from each other and increasing their skills and confidence to support their child’s learning in a supportive and non-judgemental environment.

As we celebrate International Family Day, we want to take time out to highlight and celebrate our amazing TU parents and families.

Micheala – Programme Officer Family Learning Programme 

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